WordPress plugins are an essential part of your WordPress site. They can help you add new features to your site and customize it in ways that may not be possible with the default theme. But what are the best plugins to choose?

When it comes to choosing the best WordPress plugins, there are a few things you should consider. First, think about what kinds of features you want on your site. Do you need a plugin that provides social media integration? Are you looking for one that allows you to create custom 404 pages? Or maybe you need a plugin that enables drag-and-drop functionality.

Second, look at how many other users have reviewed the plugin on sites like wordpress.org before deciding whether or not it’s worth installing. If there aren’t many reviews posted by other users, then it’s more likely that they won’t work as advertised—and that could mean trouble later down the road when trying to fix issues with those same plugins!

Third, look at how much time it takes for someone else to create another version of this particular plugin (or make any changes at all) if something goes wrong with yours; if it takes hours or days for someone else to respond, then chances are pretty good that their version not get update as quickly as you’d like. Finally, pay attention to how many people have downloaded the plugin in comparison to other similar ones; if there are only a few hundred downloads, that means it hasn’t been popular enough for anyone else to notice any problems yet!